In this age where sports media personalities can interact more and more intimately with their audience, the art of being “real” and “authentic” has become increasingly more important. But what does it mean to be real and authentic? What goes into accomplishing this?
Being authentic is unique, in that it’s something that’s absolutely necessary, but it’s also something you can’t force. Being truly authentic only comes from being yourself in totality. If you try to be someone you’re not or force yourself into a role that doesn’t fit you, your authenticity will be eroded from the start.
Thus, the first step is finding the right role or niche for you. Once you do that, now comes the authenticity through interaction. Here’s how you can quantify your authenticity and strengthen it as you progress through the media space.
How to Perfect an Authentic Voice in Your Content
Be Honest and Objective
The first step is perhaps the purest form of “being yourself”: Be honest and objective, even when factoring in subjective considerations. Make sure every viewpoint you give is purely yours – unadulterated and untainted by bias. And shoot straight when you’re answering questions, providing insight, or expanding on analysis.
At its root, honesty is maintaining integrity – but it’s a two-way street. You can shore up your integrity by being honest, but taking responsibility for that integrity and authority as a voice in the sports media realm will help you stay true to that task.
Be Accountable
It’s important to be yourself, but it’s equally important to be self-aware of what your imperfections might be, especially on social media. Social media and the media field both serve as modules through which media professionals and audience members attempt to project superiority. That’s an unhealthy – yet all too easy – cycle to enter.
Both on the scene and behind the scenes, be accountable for yourself. Hold yourself to a high standard, and keep asking yourself: Where can I still grow as a person? It almost seems too broad-scale for sports media, but authenticity doesn’t take precedence over growth. Being authentic doesn’t matter if your authenticity sheds scorn and ignorance, as opposed to empathy and wisdom.
Be accountable for yourself. Be introspective. And that growth will yield results in the form of true, high-character authenticity. This way, you can be real without repercussions.
Be Empathetic
Lastly, make empathy a core component of your interactions. Think about what your audience wants, what will give them the most value, and how you can be a positive force in your niche of the sports media realm.
On social media, empathy can be difficult to use. It’s an incredibly emotionally-charged environment. Even if you’re faced with vitriol or criticism, think about the person on the other end. Everyone deals with something unseen behind the social media visage. Maintain empathy even when it’s difficult, and that caring foundation will help you broaden your community as an authentic voice.